One track around the 7.5 min mark on each side of these neat lookin' transparent dark blue C15 tapes / This latest offering from the wonderful Subespai takes a different direction/ approach to his previous EP, on this tape you'll hear a couple of very minimal long droning "micro-noise" sounds not dissimilar to that of a halogen light with it's piercing buzzes [or T.V static when there's a loss of signal, or even a big loud set of power lines/electricity tower], with the added subtle back ground noises creating a slightly spooky feeling of being locked inside alone late at night in a large empty warehouse or something. Side B continues this style with a slightly different "electrical buzzing" noise and a more noticeable background sound with a build up of heavy drone effects... both are great! plus it shows us the diversity of different sound Subespai experiments with, and manages to pull off well - To get a clearer idea of what i mean...go buy a CD if there's still any left 'n listen to 1st EP 'Carrers de Sydney'!