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Sölex - Sölex 7"

Sölex - Sölex 7"

Televised Suicide

Regular price $19.95 AUD
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Bizarre and obscure hardcore from various parts of South Australia. A 5 track 7” EP is a bold debut, especially before playing a show, but I’d say thats a power move. Featuring members of Exhumed Korpse, Simfuckers, Impede and Chrome Cage, no strangers to noise. The core of this record is nothing but mid-paced stomping riffs and pounding drums that sound like they were recorded in a cave and guttural cries about “the current climate of the world, sci-fi and Irish folklore”. Fans of Bone Awl and Mens Interest will lap this up like a dog. I know I did. Frantic and raw chaos for the boneheads like me. - Televised Suicide


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