Reruns - III CS
Reruns - III CS
Chemical Imbalance
~ RERUNS = chem imbal regular Rohan "Holiday" Bridge of countless acts you probably 'ave never heard of but definitely should investigate! (eg. CC, Teen Sex, Goofy, Holy Tulledo, Dream Jobs, Girls Girls Girls, SLUPR, Kitten Party, Used Cars, etc.), outta the sweaty state home to larikans who guzzle their beer from yellow tinnies marked with Xs, and where Powerade bottles are used primarily for "kraft projects" along with bits of their neighbours hose?[maybe they don't have straws in qld?!] and true blue battlaz / gay rights activists like Bob Katter and fish n chip shop owner tuned full time bigot and ignoramus and generally confused/misguided woman that refuses to disappear, or educate herself or yet to string together a fully formed sentence, but see her [more often then not] on Sunrise via the idiot box whenever channel 7 is in need of some headline grabbing controversy/clickbait to jack up ratings... Pauline Hanson is her name.uck. [previously had 2 excellent solo cassettes on c.i. under his PLUTO 'guise and a 2016 chem imbal CD-R release of Brissy underground largescale freeform/noise collective, in which he's a constant/core member of, called Wardenburger.. who could maybe be described as the quieter or less seen cousin/relo that you always feel guilty about not catching up with more(..?) from the peak in time when the Sunny state seemed to produce endless flowing waves of numerous quality under the radar, outside of their immediate small weird/wonderful community of creative misfits all keeping true to their DIY ethos.. RE; fellow outsider improv ensembles from up north, at it's peak perhaps [roughly around the late 00's...] alongside; No Guru, Greg Boring, Sky Needle, 6majik9, Lost Domain, Free Brain Orchestra, Sun of the Seventh Sister, Sixevine, Deadnotes, Perfect Lovers, et al. and the even more mysterious character, who is the other half of the sound making in this project known only as Eve H. / Recorded; October 2019, Upper Mount Gravatt (4122) BNE, AU. / Follow up album to 2 previous self-released cassettes, under this project's name entitled; 'Wild At Night' & 'RERUNS Again' ~