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Persecutor - Global Prison Experiment 7"

Persecutor - Global Prison Experiment 7"

Bad Habit Records

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This record takes the band’s uncompromising approach to political discourse from previous release and frames it through the lens of a psycho-social experiment.

The themes covered on this record deal with personal racial vilification, colourism and the isolation faced by mixed people of colour.

Socialisation, conditioning and indoctrination as a systematic process within a white

supremacist society, resulting in the reinforcement of racism as the dominant cultural value.

The title song of the record explores the roles we all play in uphold racism within our society.

WHO PLAYS THE GUARD? and who plays the prisoner in our society?

The final song acts as a rallying cry to all the marginalised, the oppressed, the wretched of the earth; to remember that we can slip the leash of oppression through our collective struggle for liberation.

The record Also features an audio sample of Angela Davis in 1972 shortly after her release from prison and a quote from Steve Biko, A South African political activist who actively fought apartheid until his death at the hands of police interrogators.

Persecutor is a hardcore PUNK band from Melbourne, Australia.

They bludgeon you with an uncompromising raw assault on the white hegemony, aiming to platform and uplift the voice of black & people of colour, by any means necessary.

The style is fast hardcore leaning into powerviolence and grind with influences such as Despise You, Poison Idea, Coke Bust, Hatred Surge, Sex Prisoner, Extortion & Seige.


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