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Minitel - Minitel 7"

Minitel - Minitel 7"

Bruit Direct Disques

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Hot, tangled, primal noise scrape rock action with tons of moaning, drum triggers and full-on Greco-Roman scrambler guitar/FX box grapple. France’s answer to Sightings has produced a swift, saturated blow of old-school industrial terror and classic hive attack/defense tones for maximum discomfort. Some more peaceful, tribal motifs on “Sang” and “Minogue” on the B-side act as a cooling off from the hammer attack of the first two songs. Anti-music, pro-knuckledrag, and just what a lot of you yobbos out there want. Actually reminds me of the washing machine churn score of the movie “The Entity,” which Thurston realized the potential of on the Male Slut single. - Doug Mosurock , Dusted Magazine.