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Leitmotiv Limbo - Minimal Sphere CS

Leitmotiv Limbo - Minimal Sphere CS

Servataguse Muusika

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From VITAL WEEKLY 1219 (Netherlands)...
Leitmotiv Limbo likes obscurity, so it seems and, sure, why not?
Judging by the music here and earlier, there is still a deep interest in the world of freak-out
music, but it all has become a bit tighter, a bit more composed if you will... There are eight pieces in total of this kind of freewheeling
synth stuff and all of that with that early industrial music feeling. It is all a bit vague, obscure,
covered with a bit of dust and hisses and that's the sort of lo-fi quality that I enjoy very much.
This is exactly the sort of thing for which the cassette is the perfect medium. I think the label is
re-using old tapes, which they spray paint. That is another clue that shows Leitmotiv Limbo's love
for the 80's cassette network. (FDW)

Anxious, pulsating quarks glitch & pace Uluru’s self-carving surfaces, leave smoky plumes of warm, gutted blankets in their wake. It is perhaps impossible to listen to this and not immediately entertain foggy, electric auras bullying dust and time around a personified halo of outcropping, looming night sky as thick with absence as with beaconing.