From A Colourful Storm...
Kallista Kult: the new circle of suspects in this modern-day mystery.
Four acts of crime, madness, fatalism and despair. Flashes of lightning and delinquency: innately impulsive, insidious and with no credible motive. Interior realities, psychological delirium. Moon musick in four phases, less Warminster than Warranwood. Intoxication, incoherence, paranormality and paranoia… psylocibin and self-destruction with no sign of consolation.
The debut work by an assemblage of clandestine miscreants unraveling a tapestry weaved by David Jackman, Caroline K, The Pickle Factory and Paralelo-era Pascal Comelade, stretching all the way down along a dead end Xpressway.
“It's magic mushroom season in the southern hemisphere right now.”