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Junior Makhno ‎– The Theatre Of The Macabre 7"

Junior Makhno ‎– The Theatre Of The Macabre 7"

Bruit Direct Disques

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 Debut EP from this renowed hip-hop beatmaker (ill bill, vinnie paz, jise 1, etc.)

“Amazing horror-hop Metal hybrid. Have listened to this a few times and wish my son was around to help with my vocabulary. It comes off a little bit like a ghetto-recorded soundtrack to a movie starring Glenn Danzig as a vampiric country priest who rides a little donkey into the city to attack MF Doom. But that doesn’t really get at the root of it. Its essence is more damaged than that. Can this somehow all get traced back to Metal Urbain ? If so, I’d like to see the map.” (Byron Coley)