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J. Campbell - Erosion Of Memory LP

J. Campbell - Erosion Of Memory LP

Nice Music

Regular price $42.00 AUD
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NM is thrilled to present the new album from Mulubinba/Newcastle's J. Campbell. 'Erosion Of Memory' is profound innervision - a dramatic sandstorm through near-beatless landscapes, mapping Campbell's intrinsic understanding of family, familiarity and the firmament surrounding him.

Whilst welcomed with swells of distant sawmills, sub-bass and tree hollow synth pads on the titular opening track, Campbell bookends a variety of instrumentation with the blustering tonal constellations and cadenced peals of 'Parade At The Moorings'. Just as his dolorous chimes cycle relentlessly through 'Marked With A Cairn', 'Lost Bracelet' masterfully washes us with almost painfully intimate field recording patter and softly unresolved piano riffing. 'Convent' is akin to a train ride summoning Tangerine Dream's breathiest moments, 'The Lighthouse' is perhaps the affecting closer that Michael Mann's 'Heat' needed, if you're not such a Moby fan.

Campbell may be known to many for his urgent, thunderous industrial techno spectacle under the Collector alias since 2014, across a spate of releases for Steel City Beat Discs, Come Sundown and Nice Music, plus the very recent 'No Prospects' LP on Bank Records NYC. Under his own name, he describes his volume and tumult from a distant vantage point, conjuring greying widescreen vistas at sunset along the Australian central coastline he calls home. Campbell has developed a tempestuous mood and clarity, traced throughout releases for VAKNAR/VAAGNER, Summer Isle, Vienna Press and Strange Rules - 'Erosion Of Memory' mourns in optimal resolution, drawing us ever inward to attempt an understanding of time, grief and love - that which we can perhaps never fully grasp.

Dutifully recorded and mixed by JC himself and mastered by Sean McCann. - Nice Music
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