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Greta Now - Bon Bon CS

Greta Now - Bon Bon CS

Self Released

Regular price $10.95 AUD
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We’re glad to see a return from Greta Now, the solo project of Greta Balog of G2G and Den. I always felt that Greta’s self-titled LP back in 2017 was criminally underrated/under recognised. It was pop music that was both funny and witty, bending songs inside-out, letting you eavesdrop on what felt like in-jokes. Performing in Cindy Sherman-esque wigs and with an outdated boombox for accompaniment, Greta Now also feels like a project pointing towards the histories of post-modern art; an inheritor of the trickster, conceptual-pop legacy of Tsk Tsk Tsk.

Bon Bon is a continuation of this. Happy songs about being the centre of attention while performing, sad songs about being left on the dance-floor of the Civic Centre. Heavy on auto-tune and vocoder, the tape extends into genre territories normally signified by a multitude of words followed by ‘-wave’ (synth-wave? Dark-wave? Minimal-wave?) but still maintains the wittiness and pop sensibility of earlier releases and live performances.- Mitch
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