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Cramps - Rockinnreelininaucklandnewzealandxxx CD

Cramps - Rockinnreelininaucklandnewzealandxxx CD


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Featuring an over-the-top live set from Down Under, RockNReelinInAucklandNewZealandXXX was recorded at the 100th show of The Cramps’ 1986 Date With Elvis Tour. The album was originally released incognito in cahoots with Ace Records in 1987 as a fake “limited-edition import” bootleg LP, and was intended to compete with the glut of unofficial Cramps recordings. The woman you hear screaming throughout the first half actually fainted when she stopped screaming! Included alongside other classic tunes are fractured versions of actual Elvis Presley hits “Heartbreak Hotel” and “Do the Clam” (angora angst written for Elvis by film-maker Ed Wood’s wife Dolores Fuller!). This release is recommended for those who wonder what it would sound like to hear a microphone thrown around and garbled into (Lux Interior was known to destroy a half dozen microphones in one night). Hear The Cramps get dixie-fried!

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