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Bluetung - Under The Power Lines CD + Zine

Bluetung - Under The Power Lines CD + Zine

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Melbourne-now-Sydney's Bluetung first came into the store's orbit via their Altered States Tapes release 'Room Tone Paintings' (2021). Now we're filling some gaps with the releases that came before and after....

On 'Under The Power Lines' CD and risograph booklet (2022) the clashing of unedited natural and untamed electrical (?) sounds is a reminder of how thrilling the pure field recording can be. Not quite sure I understand the finer points of how these sounds were achieved (magnet field and regular field recordings??), but as BT put it "All sounds appear as they (un)naturally appear around us". - Nic


36 page book, white risograph printing on Keaykolour Original Deep Black 120gsm + CD.

No sounds in this recording have been repitched, resampled or rhythmically sequenced.
All sounds appear as they (un)naturally appear around us.

A meditation on and reckoning with the frequencies that we have given governance over our lives, yet are just beyond our narrow sensory field.

An anthropocentric view would be that this is a kind of 'aether music', but I'd like to concede that our fortuitous biology does not define the sonic 'real'.
Some frequencies in this recording are naturally occurring throughout the cosmos (and have been heterodyned into our hearing range) but most are created by us with complex formulas to govern their encoding and interpretation.
These are too ever-present to act as if they exist in some ethereal otherworld.

Add this piece to the noise already surrounding and passing through you.

"It was as the sound of a far-off glorious life, a supernal life, which came down to us, and vibrated the lattice-work of this life of ours."

Observed, gathered and assembled by Mitchell J.G. Reynolds from December 2020 to September 2021.

Produced at the Reservoir Institute of Natural Sound & Electronics Development, on Wurundjeri country.

Sferics recorded from Lake Mungo and Hattah-Kulkyne National Park.
Mastered by Joseph Buchan.


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