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Bl'ast - Blood LP

Bl'ast - Blood LP

Southern Lord

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Despite the odds, this rewriting of history with Dave Grohl at the mixing desk is incredible! Written off as second rate Black Flag by some, I'm more likely to play this than anything they did post-My War.- Nic

Earlier this year BL’AST! guitarist, Mike Neider contacted Southern Lord with news that he had found some mysterious old BL’AST! master tapes in a abandoned storage locker. Southern Lord, fanatical about BL’AST!, wasted no time in sending the tapes to a studio to be baked. Needless to say, after 25 years gathering dust, the quality had deteriorated. Even when the tapes had been baked, nobody could have anticipated what would follow. With the tapes baked and audio digitised, Southern Lord contacted long time BL’AST! fiend, Dave Grohl about mixing this recording, his response was an enthusiastic


Whilst inside Grohl’s famous 606 Studios a remarkable discovery was made -
a completely unheard, unreleased BL’AST! recording session from the mid-80s.

The lineup of the band at the time of the recording included second guitarist William Duvall
(from Neon Christ & now the vocalist for Alice In Chains). Unfortunately his tenure with BL’AST! was short-lived and no recordings from that lineup were ever released.

All things considered, it is miraculous that this record survived it’s journey and that everyone who was involved in bringing this recording to life, could be.
Everything fell into place, when it could have easily crumbled along the way.
This record is a time capsule that is meant to be heard!
 - Southern Lord