Adam Park - Is Unique Oil Free Air CS
Adam Park - Is Unique Oil Free Air CS
If It's New

"When i was younger, artists I looked up to talked of a handful of semi-unknown Aussie groups in hushed tones. Most of the time tracking down music of these people was a difficult task, let alone concrete information about the who’s and why’s. Two groups that fit this description were VOLVOX and THE PERFECT LOVERS. The one thing they had in common despite the years and thousands of kilometers separating them was a man named ADAM PARK. This makes sense as he was uncompromising as an artist, humble and a bit of a mystery too.
First poking his head up as member of NEW WAVER in the 80’s, Adam followed his vision throughout his life, constantly refining it - intricate tape compositions, sculpture, free improvisation and fully-fledged ‘bands’, never seeming to worry about his place in any of it. He made things simply because he wanted to.
CHYME, CAPTAIN’S LOG and UNIQUE OIL FREE AIR were some of his solo ventures - and while collaborating with TRAPDOOR TAPES, and playing in groups throughout the 2000’s and beyond such as SUNSHINE HAS BLOWN and GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS. He continued to perform solo shows - often handicapping any act performing before or after him. How do you follow that? What even was it? To us, Adam was a magician and this magic is most easily heard on his solo recordings.
Two gigs - separated by two years, one tape. ADAM PARK is UNIQUE OIL FREE AIR."