Absurd Cosmos Late Nite - Lost Wages CS
Absurd Cosmos Late Nite - Lost Wages CS
Nice Music
Absurd Cosmos Late Nite is the ingenious new project from Mark Groves, a confirmed legend of Melbourne's noise/punk scene and beyond. This follows an insurmountable body of satisfying works both alone and in collaboration, more recently with power electronics duo Dead Boomers, ferociously bleak punk icons True Radical Miracle (both on Iron Lung) and tape/concrete/spoken word duo Red Wine & Sugar on his own Index Clean label, running parallel to his long-running collaborative label Sabbatical Records. Through his ACLN work Groves wearily pursues the oppressively mirthless and red-eyed air of a post-midnight suburban petrol station scene - a stop for coffee, snacks, The Picture magazine, forced conversation and the undead ambience of lo-resolution broadcast chatter, in which this perpetual predawn marinates, night after night. Chosen text and audio are assembled from collected fragments of local talkback, overheard declarations and the endless YouTube comment pit. Interestingly, the compositional approach is extrapolated directly from Juicy Bananas' 1984 masterstroke contribution to the soundtrack for disenfranchised 80s punk touchstone Repo Man. For fans of Elklink, Cold Chisel.