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Sunset Flips - Between Two Sheds CS

Sunset Flips - Between Two Sheds CS

Altered States Tapes

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The last time Sunset Flips released a cassette (Jazz Powder and/or Disco Into Dust earlier in the year), I recommended that the punters of AST not necessarily waste their time with it. Alas, several refused to heed my advice and Jazz Powder proved to be the 'sleeper hit' of AST's 2020 first quarter, being met with a polite ripple of enthusiasm. Well, forget all that cause I actually endorse Between Two Sheds, the SF's closest thing to a 'considered release' up to this point in time. Recorded in two sheds and over a couple of jams on the same Newcastle street in August / September, 2020. We've upgraded from the schooners on the cover of Jazz Powder to martini glasses this time, so this should let you know it is a far more sophisticated affair. Two Sheds bears much in common with the spirit of the Breakdance The Dawn school of no-thought (see more below). There is actually something approaching beauty here at times! A surprise to us as much as anyone. The new Sunset Flips setup of piano, electronics, tape loops, sampled percussion and occasional guitar makes up the palette of these eight ditties. Plenty of bumnotes, convincingly purposeful sounding piano improvisations and enough bloody ambience to fill an Aldi bag.