I'd place the fourth LP by Horrid Red record alongside our beloved Orion and Diat, or potentially Drunk Elk and The Pin Group, in their ability to grab something out of sound that had some origin in Joy Division and The Cure (an accessible oversimplification I know) without resembling a empty, hip facsimile. While the grit of members' former project Der TPK is gone there's still an un-manicured quality to the records that lets personality and atmosphere shine through. The off-the-cuff quality to both the enigmatic Bunker Wolf's German language rants and the layered guitar/bass/keys melodies result in some uncanny bangerz. Contemporary music in this dark post-punk realm often has big goth-kids-from-South-Park-at-the-talent-show energy, don't let that sway you away from this excellent album. - Nic