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Woollen Kits - Four Girls LP

Woollen Kits - Four Girls LP

RIP Society

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Everyone knows what day tomorrow is right? (note: written Feb 13) It’s the day of the calendar year where public displays of affection are least frowned upon.

And what better way to show your honey bunch/sweetie pie that you care than with the crown jewel of 2010s jingle jangle, the most romantic music that has ever existed, Woollen Kits sophomore album ‘Four Girls’.

I like to think that for a small segment of a certain generation of boys Woollen Kits proved that life didn’t have to always be a series of Jackass style stunts, and that being open to feelings of love and kindness can be an extreme sport. It might even impress a potential romantic partner as much as a long winded guitar solo?

Anyways, the best to do it since The Modern Lovers and The Nerves if you’re looking for that type of timeless and emotionally powerful guitar pop. - Nic