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Swab - Big City LP

Swab - Big City LP

Hardcore Victim

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Admittedly, I was late to the party with Swab (and I realised that we haven’t said anything of substance about this record yet??). But catching them play last Friday night shone new light on the record for me. Breakneck speed hardcore that pummels in total wall of noise. 

Totally anachronistic, but Jake Robertson’s intricate across-the-kit-at-hyper-speed drumming hits the same spot in my brain cortex as Rashied Ali or Sonny Murray (except not totally doing way with keeping time), that when paired with Christina Pap’s can’t-get-the-syllables-out-fast-enough vocals, creates a kind of push-and-pull chaos that makes it feel as though the group are playing so hard they could implode at any second.

I don’t have the deep dive hardcore knowledge to properly contextualise this record within that realm, so I asked Nic and he said it reminded him of Koro, Deep Wound, and Modern Warfare.