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Noroth - Sacrificial Solace LP

Noroth - Sacrificial Solace LP


Regular price $54.95 AUD
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Noroth brings forth absolute chaotic putridity on their third full-length album, Sacrificial Solace! A triumvirate, born in the year 2019, Noroth focused on making their own trail of stench inspired by the likes of Bolt Thrower, Grave, Morbid Angel, and Rottrevore. Their first two albums, It Dwells Amongst Us and Harbinger, quickly helped establish them within the Pacific Northwest’s flourishing Underground Death Metal community, which eventually would allow them to support bands like Deicide, Suffocation, Incantation, and Miasmatic Necrosis. With Sacrificial Solace, Noroth seek to prepare audiences to a new pile of feral rotting darkness, inspired by those that have sonically pushed the limits before them. Recorded by Nick Emard (Cavurn, Cystic, Degraved) at 7 Hills Studio in Seattle, Washington, Mixed by Greg Wilkinson (Mortuous, Necrot, Vastum) at Earhammer Studio, and Mastered by Dan Lowndes (Cruciamentum, Funeral Leech, Mortiferum) at Resonance Sound Studio. Artwork by Thomas “Necromaniac” Westphal (Excarnated Entity, Infester, Plague Bearer).


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