Make sure you have some inspiration. Buy some useful containers. We considered collecting some serendipitous images in order to feel calmer, happier, and more energetic. It's unclear whether upbeat thoughts or this pursuit came first. What does it mean if an external force has written over your cherished old memories? We considered an archive, but were wary of ascribing undue meaning to the assemblage. Sometimes you dream of a friend, and receive a text from them the next day. But there have also been plenty of times you’ve dreamt about a friend without receiving a text from them the next day, and you ascribe no meaning to those instances. Relax - you can leave it prosaic. Red Wine and Sugar worked sporadically on this short film since 2016. Samaan filmed on 16mm, then edited the processed and scanned film. Mark wrote the text, and read it aloud. The demarcation of roles wasn’t so clear cut throughout the process, because you can hear Samaan and see Mark at points, but generally that’s how it went. - Index Clean