Is this a VHS player and clarinet duo? Laptop and autoharp? Casio and cymbals?There's a graceful ambiguity to the sounds, moods, and melodies that hearkens to the hypnogogic pop that was all the rage a few years ago. But the Limbos bring some free improv moves, structures, and ideas that feel fresh. A fresh take on the palette of sounds they're drawing from with some fresh musical and arrangement chops to boot. Spoiler alert: the clarinet comes alive on side B in conjunction with some spooky, breathy spoken word. Side B could go on a sexy mixtape. Side B can get it.
Also sent as result of Joe’s FOUR LETTER WORLD review. In ‘Limbo’ Elijah Vartto (umlauts over the vowels – apologies for the limitations of the WordPress editor) conjures an alien souk from the echoed honking of an unspecified wind instrument and stick-in-bucket metallic rhythms. The point of view changes every few minutes and gradually a scene is set, protagonists introduced. This comes together in a surprising burst of new wave pop before retreating to the abstract – a menacing bassy warble dragging us down to an underground bunker full of robot soldiers.
‘Wind Swept’ uses field recordings phased to sound like the fuelling of spacecaft over which mournful, austere jazz blowing accompanies growling, heavily filtered vocals. It’s the blues played by a band whose home-world was destroyed as a display of power intended to tame a petulant rebel princess. Guitar jangles like the rigging of boats. All eventually peters out to a gargling throb.
Comparisons have been made elsewhere to early Cabaret Voltaire. This is apt and, of course, a very good thing.
Is this a VHS player and clarinet duo? Laptop and autoharp? Casio and cymbals?There's a graceful ambiguity to the sounds, moods, and melodies that hearkens to the hypnogogic pop that was all the rage a few years ago. But the Limbos bring some free improv moves, structures, and ideas that feel fresh. A fresh take on the palette of sounds they're drawing from with some fresh musical and arrangement chops to boot. Spoiler alert: the clarinet comes alive on side B in conjunction with some spooky, breathy spoken word. Side B could go on a sexy mixtape. Side B can get it.
Also sent as result of Joe’s FOUR LETTER WORLD review. In ‘Limbo’ Elijah Vartto (umlauts over the vowels – apologies for the limitations of the WordPress editor) conjures an alien souk from the echoed honking of an unspecified wind instrument and stick-in-bucket metallic rhythms. The point of view changes every few minutes and gradually a scene is set, protagonists introduced. This comes together in a surprising burst of new wave pop before retreating to the abstract – a menacing bassy warble dragging us down to an underground bunker full of robot soldiers.
‘Wind Swept’ uses field recordings phased to sound like the fuelling of spacecaft over which mournful, austere jazz blowing accompanies growling, heavily filtered vocals. It’s the blues played by a band whose home-world was destroyed as a display of power intended to tame a petulant rebel princess. Guitar jangles like the rigging of boats. All eventually peters out to a gargling throb.
Comparisons have been made elsewhere to early Cabaret Voltaire. This is apt and, of course, a very good thing.