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Birthday Girl - No Hard Feelings CD

Birthday Girl - No Hard Feelings CD

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I feel like I might be running the risk of being overly earnest (not the first time here) and maybe a little self-indulgent in posting about an album I played guitar on but what’s more fulfilling in life than making music with your friends???

I’ve been playing in bands with Madeleine Er for a decade now and something like five years in this project. An entirely self-taught musician who somehow taught herself drums, bass, and guitar over the years I’ve always been in awe of her unique approach to playing and writing that isn’t overthought or intentionally odd but are a product of her learning to play. When she was first showing me these songs I was always shocked by the cool non-traditional chord voicings she’d come up with or odd asymmetrical song structures that seemed second nature to her.

It was a privilege to record these tracks with David Akerman (of Dead Farmers and Skyline fame) and play alongside other close friends Rose Chan (Okin Osan, Fenn Is Cool) and Jarrod Ryan (my brother who I’ve been lucky enough to have joined in on most stupid musical schemes I’ve participated in since we were kids).

I guess I haven’t said much about the music itself. I can’t speak for the other members, but I was thinking about San Fran’s Cindy a lot and trying my best (and failing) to mimic Richard Thompson or Mick Turner’s guitar playing, and I remember talking to Maddie and Rose a lot about Alex G at the time.

But that’s all beside the point! Everyone should make music with their friends after work or on your days off and for the sake of making something together while hanging out!!