Behind Automating is Sasha Margolis from Melbourne and his work was reviewed before (Vital Weekly 841, 843, 862, 930 and 989) but there has been some gap it seems. Before there was mention of what he did on a release but not on this new one, yet we can assume he still uses 'field recordings, found sound, tape manipulation, noise and effects unites’. The music was recorded over a number of years, 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 (why not 2011-2014? I don’t know) and maybe Margolis was in Germany at the time, as he uses quite a bit of field recordings that use German voices and railway sounds and the Bandcamp page for this thanks people in Hannover, Germany. As before (also) Automating offers long pieces of pretty raw field recordings, mostly untreated (or at least not that I can hear), and some sound effects placed on top, such as reverb, chorus and phasers. It is all rather simply made but not without any effect. It all works quite well, especially if you decide to let it all happen and not listen too close or try to analyse the compositions. It works best for me when the layering of the various sound events is quite heavy, when field recordings are pushed a bit away and electronics are in favour, and the complexity is spun out a bit more. (FdW).